Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Update on Appjet - it gave up the application hosting business to concentrate on etherpad a specific server side javascript hosted application that enables a group editing/chat session.

It seems almost so simple it is stupid, but it is incredibly handy, very focused and people like using it. offers appjet application hosting. I haven't seen much about it yet.

The blogsphere is abuzz with interest in couchdb, mongodb, hadoop, etc. Here is your handy dandy guide to anti-rdbms.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Interesting javascript projects you probably knew about before I did:

Appjet, an online server side Javascript application hoster has now made their software available for download - check it out

Couchdb, a JSON/HTTP based distributed storage system (written in Erlang!) is now an Apache incubator project -

Helma is a Java based server side Javascript scripting environment and is at

Persevere, similar to Couchdb but not quite, is at

A list of server side Javascript projects is at

And, I'm still excited about Haxe - a compiler that targets the Neko VM, Javascript, PHP and Flash.